I'm sure you think it's not possible to have 2 legs and 3 knees, but let me assure you: it is.
This guy comes to us with a 2-year old tib-fib fracture, not consolidated, and he's walking. He literally had an extra joint on one leg, the ends of the bone had somehow calcified and settled like a joint. It was incredible. (See pictures!!)
We could really make a difference in this guy's life. We could give him 2 straight legs and remove the 3rd knee!!
So after spending a lot of time removing a lot of scar tissue and calcifications, we were finally able to put the two ends of the bone together, and Dr. Scott put an intra medullar rod for the Sign-nail repair.
It was a looong surgery, and there was a lot of pulling, pushing, hammering, etc. Bones are really freaking solid stuff!! It's not easy to break off the calcifications on the wrong parts. Again, Ortho is not my thing, but the fact that we could really reshape his leg was fascinating.
I'll stop talking and let the pictures tell the story. :)
Look at that articulation!
It was not easy to bring the ends of the bone together and straighten it
So much metal to choose from!!
That's the intramedullary rod
(Sign nail) going in
You can kinda see the rod
going through
X-ray before operation
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