
Friday, March 27, 2015

Three weeks in...

Sorry folks, there's a bit of an adaptation to be made at the beginning of anything, and Medical School definitely requires a bit of adapting. 

But here I am. I made it through the first three weeks, and I'm happy. So far, honestly, there's nothing really difficult, there's only a LOT of stuff. They throw everything at us, and a giant bibliography for every class, that we have to read, summarize, and post on the online forums for each class. That is also graded. Then we have homework. Then we have one exam a week, on Fridays, which are a compilation of everything we learned that week in all classes. 

We're learning a lot of concepts in public health, like equality in healthcare, the right to Health, the determinating factors of Health. And bioethics. Also, communication technics for how to conduct an interview (HPI). In a week we actually get to conduct our first interview with a member of the community (not a paid actor!) where we'll be working with health education, primary care, prevention, etc. They really do throw us straight into the deep end to see if we can swim. 

But I was expecting this. And I must say, I really like that we have a test at the end of each week, because it helps me to keep on top of things with somewhat manageable amounts of material, as opposed to having thousands of pages and concepts to go through at the end of the month. Hopefully I'm not forgetting things right after the test! (I'm not, actually!) 

So, that's what's going on this side of the world. How are you all doing? How was your beginning in Med School?

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